Ottawa central station on catherine street now officially handed over to brigil

Brigil is delighted to announce that it is now officially the proud owner of the former Catherine Street Greyhound terminal.


The 15-minute neighbourhood concept is one that has deeply inspired the Brigil team. The idea of promoting active transportation, local shopping and a vibrant culture while reducing dependence on the automobile is tremendously appealing. A permeable living environment, mix of uses and abundance of green spaces help instill a sense of community. Residents will be within a 15-minute walk from all services, which will be easily and safely accessible.


Brigil is also committed to collaborating with all levels of government. "The city is there to inspire, surprise, be a social network and create opportunities for people. Therefore, densification and social diversity are the cornerstones of sustainable urban growth and the only way forward to stay relevant as a city. This is a very exciting and meaningful time for me and for all of my colleagues involved in these projects. We are determined to contribute to the region we all live in,” indicated Jelle De Roeck, Design Director at Brigil.


Brigil is already very active in the Ottawa real estate market. This year, the company is pursuing construction on The Dale (99 and 121 Parkdale Avenue), Baseline (three towers at 2940 Baseline Road), Petrie's Landing in Orleans (two high-rise towers and two four-storey blocks in 2021 alone), and will be starting new projects in 2022. The company currently has some 30 communities in the National Capital Region (12,000 units) and plans to build 33,000 new housing units over the next 15 years.


The current zoning was established in 2012 and calls for 27-storey buildings on the 111,000 square foot site. "At Brigil, we build with purpose. This means that we want to offer the community the project it deserves, and that will still be relevant in 50 years," explained Mr. Desjardins.


The company plans to undertake public consultations in order to design a large-scale project that will bring people together. Brigil has called on local architectural firms, as well as firms in Montréal and Toronto. The best concepts will be presented to the various local associations comprising politicians, merchants and citizens. "We are committed to public consultation. It's important to us that local residents be able to provide their input to our projects. They know the area and always have good ideas that push us to improve our projects," confirmed Brigil founder and President Gilles Desjardins.


About Brigil

Founded in 1985 by Gilles Desjardins, Brigil has greatly contributed to the economic development of the National Capital Region. Brigil has provided homes for an entire generation, and intends to continue building for those to come. Closely linked to the communities it serves, Brigil has donated several million dollars to more than 300 organizations in the National Capital Region. Gilles Desjardins has also been recognized as one of Quebec's greatest patrons of the arts, and was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal of Canada by the Governor General on November 5, 2018. The company currently has some 30 communities in the National Capital Region (12,000 units) and plans to build 33,000 new housing units over the next 15 years. Sustainable development and environmental protection are part of Brigil's DNA, as is the enhancement of heritage and historic buildings. This is why our mission goes beyond that of a builder. We build with purpose.

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