Gilles Desjardins takes action to help the disaster victims of the tornado!

Gilles Desjardins takes action to help the disaster victims of the tornado!


Gatineau, September 27, 2018Sensitive to the experience encountered by families, Gilles Desjardins commits himself through several significant gestures to help victims of tornadoes.


The tornadoes of September 21st have severely damaged many buildings in the area, leaving a multitude of families in disarray a few weeks before the winter.


Sensitive to the situation of these disaster victims, Gilles Desjardins decided to help them through many significant actions so that the bereaved families can quickly find housing and proper living conditions.


Gilles Desjardins has solicited the generosity of its business partners in order to raise $ 200,000, half of the fundraising will be entirely supported by Brigil.


With this amount, Gilles Desjardins hopes to inflate by 40% the pot of the Radio-Don organized by the 104.7FM station!


Several rental units available at Brigil will be reserved primarily for the disaster victims and they will be able to benefit from a notorious advantage, namely the first 3 months of rent will be offered to them free of charge. So, their financial situation made difficult by the circumstances will be lightened.


In addition, ten inventory units will also be offered for purchase on preferential terms, since a 10% discount will be offered up to a maximum of $ 30,000.


The President and founder of Brigil has delegated the coordination of these different actions to the Red Cross. Indeed, he said "The Red Cross is the right one to handle the situation. Being on the field, they know the disaster victims and their needs and will realize perfectly how to best distribute the donations in the affected families. "


Gilles Desjardins congratulates the City of Gatineau, Hydro-Quebec, the Red Cross, the different regional organizations, the firefighters, the health services, all the volunteers and the population for their excellent work in supporting the victims.


Brigil encourages the entire population to show solidarity in order to assist people in need, by contacting the City and the Red Cross, who can tell you the most appropriate procedure to make you useful.


If you wish to make a donation, you can contact Brigil by calling the reception at 819 303 4773 extension 0 or by email at re*******@br****.com


We invite you to listen to Gilles Desjardins, who will be interviewed at 104.7 on Friday morning at 7:20 am


Catherine Patry

Directrice principale, Communication et marketing

c : 514.977.6857


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