This rescue cage of 4 feet by 8 was custom built for Brigil by an engineer, after a suggestion by project manager at Parkdale, Bruce Harper. It looks like a rescue stretcher usually used by first responders, such as firemen and paramedics. The cage is larger and taller though and can carry at least three people: the injured worker and up to four emergency responders.
Ottawa Fire Department have tested the device before the simulation and performed the rescue without problem. The firemen followed protocol, as if there was an emergency, after a simulated 911 call. It was a premiere for them, and they were all excited about this chance.
“Ottawa Fire Services appreciates the opportunity afforded by contractors and developers to practise advanced rescue procedures at their worksites. Today’s exercise allowed first responders to interact with on-site personnel, raising safety awareness and highlighting the importance of having well-defined and practised emergency procedures” says sector Chief Jim Andrews, of the Ottawa Fire Department.
Firemen and paramedics can not usually handle an injured worker by standing on that kind of platform; either they wait for the injured to be hoisted to the ground on a stretcher or they administer first aid while they are hooked next to the stretcher, on a side wall.
“Ottawa Fire Services appreciates the opportunity afforded by contractors and developers to practise advanced rescue procedures at their worksites. Today’s exercise allowed first responders to interact with on-site personnel, raising safety awareness and highlighting the importance of having well-defined and practised emergency procedures” says sector Chief Jim Andrews, of the Ottawa Fire Department.
The firemen have been hoisted on the 28th floor, in the cage anchored to the crane with deux sets of cables to reinforce security. They took care of the fake injured by setting him up cautiously in the cage. Then, the cage came down in less than a minute with the crane.
“The biggest advantage with this new kind of rescue we are unveiling in the region today is that first responders can take care of the injured right away, in the cage. We can save lives by taking action quickly, particularly when you think that every second counts when someone is badly injured”, explains Brigil’s health and safety supervisor, Luc Guilbeault.
Parkdale site superintendent Cliff Hansen says that crane operator must be ready to react in case of an emergency, regardless of the level where the injured is located. That’s why practices on a regular basics are mandatory for everyone involved, as for any kind of emergency, outlines Cliff Hansen.
Luc Guilbeault adds that this device will also be useful when an excavation, for an inground parking per example, is ongoing. “Potential injured workers will be rescued quickly and carefully. This is the main idea behind our colleague’s idea at Parkdale. We are very proud of this new device, which will give us another option when the emergency protocol is activated.”
“We will be able to move the cage to other high-rise projects, adds Brigil’s general manager Frédéric Lewis. And if we need a few more at the same time, we will get them. The life of our subcontractors, workers and personnel is priceless. A swift intervention can obviously be positive. We wish that this initiative incites other builders to make their construction sites more reachable for first responders.”
Catherine Patry
Directrice principale, Communication et marketing
c : 514.977.6857