Brigil acquires Village Cartier, seeks input for redevelopment plans



Press release

For immediate publication


Brigil acquires Village Cartier and wants the population’s input to redevelop


Gatineau, Tuesday February 5th 2019 – Brigil real estate society intends to revitalize Village Cartier, the first commercial centre to be built in Outaouais in 1965. A major development that will unfolds over several years.


Last Friday, Brigil has acquired this real estate ensemble – the land and the premises – to, in a first stage, improve it thanks to an important investment. In a close future, Brigil will follow with a serious redevelopment.


Established in 1985, Brigil real estate society has built more than 10,000 residential units, project to erect 26,000 more in the next 20-25 years in 30 different communities and count on 150 employees and 1200 sub-contractors. Brigil president and founder, Gilles Desjardins, wants to use this workforce and knowledge to rehabilitate the pride of our pioneers.


"I will surprise you once more. I can certify that I will put all my energy to make this social and economic heart pump to its maximum once more. Join your voice to ours so we will achieve this dream together", adds Gilles Desjardins, who remembers that builder Philemon Wright enjoyed this part of the Hull sector.


Saint-Raymond/Saint-Joseph/Gamelin crossroads is a capital square in the Hull sector’s economy and social life. Gilles Desjardins wants to keep it active and crowded to be attractive for everyone. "It will be spectacular. Once again, we will proudly build a quality of life", says Mr. Desjardins, who was seeking this land for 15 years.


Mr. Desjardins will work with thoroughly in the next months with an experienced team to set up a match plan for this redevelopment planned many years ago. "First, we will organize public consultations to gather suggestions and needs from actual tenants, the population in general and the neighborhood. We will also ask them to find a future name for the premises, says Gilles Desjardins. We will be glad to receive your opinion on our website and on our social medias. The ultimate objective is to give back this location to the citizens, so they could be proud of it."


Extraordinary potential



Village Cartier covers over 16 acres, including 684,000 square feet of land and 264,000 square feet of commercial spaces. An extraordinary potential! "It’s a central and strategic spot located in Gatineau. We will create a rich and dynamic space and develop it", says Gilles Desjardins.


Brigil will stimulate the growth of this real estate ensemble, well located at the intersection of St. Joseph and St. Raymond boulevards and nearby highway 5. It will offer, among others, quality multifunctional spaces for all generations and layers of population of the National Capital Region. "We can think of social housing buildings, luxurious condos of our APOGEE series, restaurants, offices, hotel, cinema, theater, yoga parlor, etc. everything is on the table right now, we are dreaming, and we want to dream with the population. We could set up our head office", adds Gilles Desjardins.


For Parc-de-la-Montagne-Saint-Raymond city councillor, Louise Boudrias, this is good news. She was happy last year to announce that city of Gatineau was going to revamp the St. Joseph boulevard. "One of my main objectives is to work to revitalize this important corridor. This project from Brigil is aligned with my vision and I’m very enthusiastic to see what the company will present in the next few years."

Brigil will keep the population and the Medias informed of any development, while keeping its ears wide opened.





Source :

Catherine Patry

Directrice principale, Communication et marketing

c : 514.977.6857



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