BRIGIL’s campaign for the United Way

For its first United Way workplace campaign, Brigil and its staff are proud to present a check for $ 7,795 to the Executive Director of Centraide Outaouais , Nathalie Lepage. Ms. Lepage said that "The support of a company with the reputation of Brigil reinvigorates our campaign and also encourage other businesses to get involved ". The amount raised by the campaign at BRIGIL is the result of the effort of the vast majority of employees and its president, Gilles Desjardins. «This first experiment showed how the Brigil family is generous and how our people are involved in the community," said Vice President of Business Development at Brigil , Mr. Rui Perdigao .

From left on the picture we recognize the Vice President, Business Development at BRIGIL , Mr. Rui Perdigao and Executive Director of Centraide Outaouais , Nathalie Lepage.

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